Sunday, 3 June 2018

Ghost Chariots

This week I semi-completed another of the larger units I'm creating for my Herd army. I say semi-completed as I don't yet have the models for the crew. I plan to use models from two Kickstarters for the crew, one from Mierce Miniatures which is funded and waiting for the models to be produced and one from RGD Gaming which is yet to be re-launched but is on course to launch this summer.
The Tribal Chariot Horde adds some ranged capability to the Herd army and also packs a punch in melee combat. In common with all chariot units it has a massive footprint so is vulnerable to flank charges but with a 18" charge range it projects a threat over a large area. It would probably benefit from using the Caterpillar magic item to give Pathfinder but perhaps the Wine of Elvenkind to add nimble would also be a valid choice.

The models consist of one pack of Mantic Ogre Chariots and a Mantic Goblin Mincer which I picked up as part of a job lot of Orcs. As the Mincer does not come with boars or the harness parts I modeled it as a crashed chariot and added a few broken up sprue parts for the harness parts. The obstacle is another of the mushrooms from Scotia Grendel which have featured on a fair few of the unit bases so far.

One of the Ogre crew was sacrificed to make up the Eagle Horde so I have a few spare for other projects. Once the crew arrive the plan is to glue them direct into the chariots and have the crew from the wrecked chariot on foot.

I've also made a little progress with my Homeric themed Basilea army and based up a few units. I had enough models for the Horde of Spearmen and two Regiments of Swordsmen needed for the first formation and an extra unit of counts as Crossbows and a Regiment of Paladin Foot Guard.

The Gods will be rebased onto 40mm squares and I have enough for two hordes of Elohi and a Ur-Elohi. Just need to get them all painted up and the bases sorted out properly !

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