So this week I have completed a Troop of Shadows and almost completed another and half the Crossbow Regiment.
These are very fast and being nimble they should be able to get around the flanks pretty well, I'd also seen some rather nice models that could be used for them.
The figures are from the Wrath of Kings Goritsi faction and one box of Skorza being eight figures is enough for two Hordes, bargain ! I also picked up a box of specialists to use one as an Alpha if needed. These really are very nice models and having put four together today they are much easier to build than the Privateer Press models I have used earlier on.
They stand head and shoulders above my other infantry so certainly fit the large bill and I was pleased to see that the box comes with an extra sculpt ( the chap with the spear ) that isn't on the cover. So that gives me some more painting to do and the option possibly to expand to a larger Herd force in the future.