I'm now getting dangerously close to having painted up all the vehicles for V for Victory and then having a few Stuka's and some buildings to do for 02 Hundred Hours.
Sunday, 2 March 2025
WW2 Desert: Transports
Monday, 24 February 2025
Ill Tides: Grand Finale
This week if work allows we plan to kick off the final battle of our mini-campaign. The Ill Tides campaign has seen the Twilight Kin led by Arlantrix fighting on land and at sea with the Abyssal Dwarfs led by Sycorax Ironjawz. It has been a keenly contested campaign with both sides winning stunning victories and also some hard fought draws.
The plan is to fight a combined Armada and Kings of War battle across either two or three weeks to determine the over-all winner. We will play a turn of Armada and then a turn of Kings of War with the result of the KoW game using the Control scenario determining the outcome.
- Fliers may not cross from Armada to KoW or vice-versa. Nor can ships fire onto the land battle or KoW units fire onto the ships at sea.
- Ships land their troops by beaching, destroyed ships lose their troops if not beached. Troops landed arrive on the table in the next KoW turn (on the controlling players go) that is played but cannot charge or double. If the ship carrying the troops is destroyed by the beaching then the unit(s) it is carrying suffer 2D6 damage each.
- Small ships can carry a troop's worth of units, medium a regiments, large a horde's worth. Any number of characters can be carried.
- Whilst boarded a troop adds 1CS to a ships combat strength, a regiment 2CS and a horde 3CS.
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Recently won trophy acts as terrain. |
Armada: Great Oxfordshire Boat Race
This Sunday saw us return to the lovely chaps at the South Oxfordshire Wargames club who where running their Armada event for the second year. I've had a look back and don't seem to have done a post about our previous visit, presumably because I forgot to take any photos and didn't win a prize! Whilst it is officially a competition as scores are kept and prizes handed out it really has the feel of a club day as many of the participants are local and the general vibe is relaxed with people looking to have some fun rather than crush their opponent.
Thursday, 20 February 2025
8th Army: Iron Fortress
Continuing with the extra armoured vehicles for WW2 here we have an M3 Grant used by the British in the desert war. This model is once again from Perry Miniatures and features a cast resin hull with separate turret and guns for both. The turret did need a fair bit of filling to get it to fit into the hull without being too tight.
Sunday, 16 February 2025
DAK: Anti-tank
With the core forces for both sides completed I've started working on some extras (I may have gotten a little excited with the online ordering) to add to the table.
Having enjoyed painting up the Panzer II I thought I'd move up a model to the Panzer III and so ordered one from Perry. The kit is mostly resin with a few metal details and went together nice and easily.
Sunday, 9 February 2025
DAK: Ready for Combat
Having recovered sufficiently from my consumption to sit down and do some painting I've completed the last of the extra infantry I had and a couple of dogs. The dogs are to be used in the 0200 Hours games so I doubt will be seen in the V for Victory games.