Sunday 13 October 2024

Ill Tides: The Haunted Isle

Armada / 250 points / The Haunted Isle / Twilight Kin Win

Tales of a haunted isle rich with ancient treasure had reached Sycorax's ears and so eager to claim it for himself he had set his fleet to sea. Unfortunately since the hated elves had won the last naval engagement they had been keeping a close eye on the dwarfish port and had trailed his force to the island.

When they arrived he'd noticed what looked like ghostly ships guarding the shoreline and surely their presence had lead the captains of his smallest ships (two Blacksouls) to charge recklessly out in front of the rest of the fleet and allow themselves to be picked off by the concentrated fire of the Twilight Kin fleet. Just as unwisely two of his captains had decided to break away from the protection of the mighty Arbiter of Pain which no elven captain was brave enough to close with.

Sycorax revelled in the destruction the Arbiter of Pain wrought upon the pair of elven Impalers which had broken off from the main enemy formation but whilst he and the captain of the Decimator poured withering fire into these ships the rest of the enemy fleet was free to act. It was not until the smoke cleared and the bloodlust faded from his eyes that he comprehended the defeat that had been inflicted on him once more.

Arlantrix was pleased with the days work, whilst they had lost both the Impalers in the fleet with the enemies main strength distracted and ghostly defenders of the isle drawn towards the dwarves, the rest of her fleet had performed as planned. The enemy Infernox and then Angkor had been captured and then sunk and her smaller ships had plundered large amounts of treasure from the island. She would have thanked the enemy for leading her to such a rich target if she'd not despised them so much.

Another bonus for Arlantrix was the poor showing by the Heart Seeker, Captain Zor'damos had gotten above her station after her killing spree in the previous battle. It was good to see her taken down a few rungs and that should serve as a useful reminder of who lead this expedition and wielded the true power. 

Next Scenario / Kings of War: Ambush / 995 points / Caravan Ambush - returning from an inland raid the Twilight Kin are once again ambushed by the Abyssal Dwarves, this time on land.

1 comment:

  1. Tremendous stuff. I can't wait. It was a rather poor showing from the dwarves I agree, I can't work out why 'The Nelson Touch' has abandoned me right when I need it for the serious business.
