Saturday, 11 November 2023

Return of the Twilight Kin

Way back in March 2017 I did second post on this blog about building an army for game called Kings of War. Whilst it's not been the Mantic game of choice recently my interest was once again  piqued when a new line of Mantic Twilight Kin where announced. These are still the evil / mis-understood Elves of that year but now their lore is rooted in the Void, home of the Nightstalkers. 

Mantic released the Armada fleet for the Twilight Kin before the the KoW army so I've built up the navy already and did some Abyssal Dwarf ships for Mr T so we can have a campaign based on land and the high seas.

For the land force I decided to go all Mantic and ordered up  pretty much a couple of everything from the new range. I also got a few bits printed from the Mantic Vault to add in with the July bundle offering Soulflayer Cavalry and a Mind Screech to add to the Elves themselves.

I want the bulk of the army to be actual Twilight Kin so I've not gone mad with the Nightstalker elements but have rather invested in the proper Elven units, as you can see.

With KoW offering ample chances to do something interesting with your unit bases I decided to base this army up to match the new mat I got with the latest Terrain Crate Kickstarter by Mantic. The mat itself is pretty funky so I don't think I need to go too mad with the models.

On other Nightstalker unit I've opted to include are the Phantoms, these are fast, fearless flying chaff, always a good unit to have. As these are existing models I bought these before the release of the new TK and have been working through them.

I have enough models for three troops of these which I think should be sufficient.

At the moment I'm waiting for the latest Clash of Kings book from Mantic which includes all the new and updated lore for the Twilight Kin, so it will be interesting to read up on what's been happening with them since ver 2.


  1. Replies
    1. No need to hurry, it's going to be a while before I have 2k+ points ready, especially with the loft work starting in February. I expect you want to play some more Firefight as well. I may look at getting some additional Basilian ships printed out for Armada though.
