Over the weekend Mr T. and myself travelled north to the town of Ossett just south of Leeds to attend his first (and my second) wargames event/competition. It was to be 2 1/2 days of gaming and meeting fellow hobbyists under the care of the Northern Kings wargames group.
I did an extremely poor job of taking pictures over the weekend, I'm hopeful Mr T did a better job and managed to snag many more than I did and that he will post them up.
Friday evening was a relaxed affair with three quick 500 point Firefight games between 6ish and 9is. For us it was mainly a chance to find the venue and meet some of people we would be playing with over the weekend. Whilst it was rather chilly outside the hall the played in was lovely and warm and our hosts made us very welcome. I should give a big shout-out to our hosts Nick, Elliott, and Tom who laid on a great weekend for us. They had to battle against a few issues with people dropping out and even melting trophies.
The only picture I got from Friday was against Nick's Asterians, an army he'd stuck together and painted all in one week. An impressive feat given how nice it looked and I think I may have been his first opponent with them. I also played Richard with his GCPS and Mr T in the last game. That meant I had played two new opponents with new armies I'd not played against before.
One win from three left me in the middle part of the table with Mr T one place below me, but only by 30 odd kills points. I was also voted Best Sport by my opponents so it seems they had as much fun as I did.
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Peter's GCPS |
On Sunday we had four games of Deadzone to play with one before lunch and then three after we'd filled up. I did manage to get some pictures of the armies on parade but sadly none of the actual games.
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Richard's Marauders |
Second up Ian D and myself continued the Ian-off (it was one all from Nottingham) to see who would take the lead. The scenario was Strength in Depth and the Veer-myn got off to a quick start and then it all went rather wrong. One of the joys of Deadzone is how it creates cinematic moments like when a cheap as chips Plague Ghoul shooting on 6+ boards the eight-train and one shots your Nightmare saving on 4+. All you can do at that point is have a laugh and silently curse your opponents luck! Not for nothing is Ian D (probably) the best Deadzone player in the UK and he quickly reeled my lead back in and took the game. So I'm currently trailing 2-1 and have some work to do if I don't want that first win to look like a fluke.
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Ian's Plague |
Next up was Sharad who was also sitting on two defeats from two but as this was essentially the first time he'd played he at least had an excuse :-) Sharad had won Best Sports in the Kings of War tournament the day before so in many ways it was a clash of the two nicest people in the hall! Chem Chase isn't really the scenario you want to see if you are playing a low model count Strike Team against a faster and more numerous opponent. This time the luck swung in my favour, for instance Sharad's first move was with his sniper who moved a square, picked up an item, turned over the booby-trap and was knocked back down again. Unfortunately that rather set the tone for him and again I took the early lead but this time managed to keep extending it.
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Sharad's Enforcers |
My last game up was against Mr T in Deep Strike. Again my luck stayed with me and after a good tussle against his very fighty Forge Fathers I managed to come out on top. Unfortunately the way things played out I didn't get to play against Peter and his GCPS so I'll need to issue a challenge against him if we meet up again at another event.