Saturday 22 January 2022

Deadzone: Death from Above

A little while back I went to a local wargames table-top sale and picked up a box of Eisenkern Panzerjager by Wargames Atlantic. I didn't have anything specific in mind for them other than to use them in Deadzone but mainly I just liked the look of the models. 
Having completed the Napoleonic's I got the box out of the pile and decided to see what strike team they could be used for. After a bit of a look I decided they could be used for a GCPS Ranger based team so order a couple of extra bits from Anvil Industries and got started.

The extra bits where used to make up the mortar and the drone to represent the special ability of the Ranger Lieutenant to guide in mortar fire, it also adds a little theatre to the leaders base.

Ranger Lt.

A 200 point list would look something like this with plenty of Rangers backed up by a mortar. What makes the Rangers special is the Aerial Deployment rule which allows them to drop onto the battlefield rather than deploy in the normal deployment areas stipulated by the scenario.

What this means is that the enemy would only be able to see the mortar on the table when they deploy their troops and the Rangers get to deploy afterwards. This is of course a big advantage and the penalty for this is both an extra points cost but also an increase in the Victory Points awarded to your opponent when they kill a Ranger. Strike Teams generally come in around the 20 VP's mark but the Ranger list comes in at 27 points.


Five Rangers with Rifle and one with Flamer

Rangers with Thermal Mines (Banzaii!)

Rangers with Thermal Rifle

Rangers with Sniper Rifle

I did play a game with the list last week against Mr T who was trying out his Forge Fathers for the first time and the ability to land almost on top of the objectives in turn 1 is a massive boost with the bonus of getting your models up high early on in a game that rewards height when shooting being the cherry on the cake.
We also played another game this week with my Asterians being roughly handled by the Forge Fathers who won the day.


  1. Definitely a WWII German look to the weapons. They might do as Aliens colonial marines too.

    1. You could make the colonial marines work pretty well I think if you wanted a cheaper alternative to the official models.
