Saturday 23 October 2021

Napoleonic's: British Grenadiers

No game again this week unfortunately but whilst I've found painting up the Brits hard going over the last couple of weeks I have completed 9 Grenadiers. Unlike their French counterparts the British line regiments had where differentiated by their collar and cuff colours so I needed to choose a regiment to paint up. As luck would have it at the Battle of Albuera which I basing my forces around the 28th North Gloucestershire Regiment was present, so that made the choice easy.

The 28th sported bright yellow collars and cuffs which I think gives a quintessentially British infantry look to the unit. As these are Grenadiers they have all white plumes and birds nest shoulder decorations.
I'm not as keen on the poses for the Perry British infantry when compared to the French ones, they are almost entirely made up of loading / firing models rather than advancing ones.

In game terms your average British infantryman is a better shot than the French but worse at fighting. It worth remembering that the numbers are a target when rolling a D10 with the 0 counting as zero (so you roll 0 -9 ). Looking through the book the best stat you can have is 5+ and worst 7+ for any of shoot/fight/survive. So even the best shot isn't that much better than the worst.

The way the Perry infantry box is formulated means you can make 9 elite infantry per box so I will be making up 18 Grenadiers and then 8 Light Infantry from the three boxes I bought. I will then paint up 24 or so centre company infantry.

1 comment:

  1. What I do like about Perry is that everything has both arms attached to the musket so its easy to glue
