Saturday, 22 August 2020

Clash of Spears: Punic Infantry

 After working through the various mercenary troops available to the Carthaginians I've now reached the Punic infantry who will form the solid wall of spears in the battle line. The troops are armed in the hoplite style with large round shield and spear. The armour is the light linothorax linen type which counts as partial armour under the rules.

I went with a simple red and white colour scheme and once again the shield transfers by Little Big Men studios. I did manage to get a few arms which where meant to go on the veteran infantry 'bodged' onto these chaps but that does add some variety without looking too bad. Once again the models are good with enough detail to bring out on the figures but not so much you get bogged down in the painting.

In game you could use these either as the standard Punic Infantry or the cheaper Citizens Levy. Both have a similar preferred mode of operating in close order on the defence with the more expensive Punic Infantry being more mobile whilst in close order and having an effect save of 3+ whilst in close order.

Unless really pushed for points I think you would want to go with the higher quality Punic Infantry though it is hard to know much about the game balance without a good few games played.

That leaves two sets of troops to go, the Veteran Punic Infantry and the Commanders, then on to Rome!

1 comment:

  1. I ended up just going mono-pose on mine but I was trying to jam them onto a multi base so that was best
