Sunday, 17 November 2019


As well as getting on with the last of the skeletons for the two hordes I had a productive week both game and painting wise. I added some more reinforcements to the Undead in the shape of a couple of extra mounted chaps, another Necromancer, a Barrow Wight, and a foot character.

The Barrow Wight is Mantic's official resin model from the Vanguard set. It is an interesting unit with it's special ability, large number of attack dice and being Pathfinder. As I said before this is a unit that could really benefit from a mount which would give it an 18" charge range when using the special.

The other foot model is from the Fireforge Kickstarter set and I painted him up to see how the GW contrast Yellow looks over Gold. As with the Orange over Bronze I used on some of the other models it really gives the colour a lift and extra depth so I can see further experimentation of contrasts over metallics being done.

He could also be used as a Zombie Orc if I decide to go heavily down the rout of fielding mass zombies. Having groups of two zombies being led by a zombie Orc would give them all CS(3) on a group assault which would be rather nasty.

Finally some shots of everything I have painted so far for the Vanguard company, which is easily the largest Vanguard force I have. I have bought some movement trays from Warbases so I can field these models as units in Kings of War as well.

Talking of Vanguard I met up with John again at the Old Duke for an introductory Vanguard session. John liked the look of the Nightstalkers so I took them along for him to play whilst I gave the Undead a test drive.

We played at 150 points which for the Undead gave me: 1 * Necromancer, 1 * Werewolf, 3 * Skeleton Archers, 2 * Zombies, 2 * Revenants, & 1 * Soul Reaver.

The first game we played was Portal which turned into a mass-brawl near the portal with John taking an early lead despite having two models sucked into the void which I was never able to make up.

In both games I was to suffer the loss of my Necromancer which is very bad news for the Undead as it means the company auto-breaks and as soon a model goes down it dies rather than having a chance to stay alive.

This probably means it is best to try and fit two command models into the list even at low points but that obviously means you miss out on something else. In the case of this list it would probably be the Werewolf.

That would be a big loss as he's an absolute melee beast and if you can get him onto something it will likely be him that walks away from the fight rather than the opponent.

The second game we played was Kill the Bard with the game being pretty tight at the start with us both joining forces to kill the Bard before a melee broke out over the dropped Bards Lute. I was able to come away with the Lute but again lost my Necromancer and then the Lute carrier. Fortunately the Werewolf was able to kill off John's leader (Shade) and then pass the Nerve check not to break and then pickup and hold the Lute.

So two good games in one afternoon and John went away looking to buy some more Nightstalkers (I had already sold him my spares) and a couple more games arranged for December.

On Friday Mick and I played our first proper Blood & Plunder scenario using the Break Points, these are gained for losing certain amounts of troops and not claiming objectives. Most of the piccies did not come out well but the Spanish came away winners after managing to shoot away a fair portion of the British and to keep them from contesting two of the three  objective markers.

1 comment:

  1. It does sound like 2 necro's would be a must at 200 points+
