Saturday, 12 October 2019

Beyond the Wall, Something Lurks

We knew something terrible lurked in the marsh beyond the wall so sent a messenger to request help from the city. Several months later two priests arrived to lead all the able-bodied villagers away to clear back the land behind the barrier.
That was the last time we ever saw any of them alive, I curse the gods that it was not the last time we saw any of them at all.

This week I finished off most of another section of the Four Horsemen army, this time featuring Pestilence atop his fearsome mount. From our reference material we can see Pestilence:

Death on his pale horse,
Famine with his scales,
War carrying a sword,
and Pestilence with his crown.

The plan was to use this model as a Revenant King on Undead Wyrm with the wing upgrade as this gave a decent flying utility unit which was fast, nimble, capable of fighting but also had the capability to cast spells. A post today on Facebook though suggests the 50mm monster version of this may not be in KoW v3 so I may need to up his base to 75mm square.

No matter what size base he ends up on I really enjoyed putting this model together and the Toad from Mantic is a fine looking beast with the rider from GW looking like it was made for the job. I also used a head with crown from Fireforge and the flag arm from them as well so it really is a model of many parts.

The bases use the same walls as from the other sections of the army but this time behind the wall I flocked with a darker static grass and then used the same lighter grass as in the War section of the army in front of the wall. On the bases I added some fauna in the shape of mini-toads and maggots.
As well as the Mantic and Fireforge undead models I also added in a couple of Perry Priests, one being dragged to his doom whilst another prays for deliverance.

The Regiments took a lot of work for what will be one of the cheapest units on the table, but at least that means they should see action on a regular basis.

The Zombies are one of the units that we know the stats for in v3 and they actually got slightly cheaper but lost a point of Defence and a few attacks. As these would only ever be used as chaff or objective grabbers then that loss of offensive power isn't a big deal.

On the bases themselves their is quite a lot going on with the undead surging forward through a marshy area towards the breached wall. I used Gloss Gel Medium mixed with brown acrylic paint and thinned out with some water to fill the marshy area. This worked pretty well and was much easier to work with than pouring resin as it didn't leak through the basing material, it does take a few days to properly set though.

The Goreblight is a new unit being ported into the KoW army after being released for Vanguard. I'm not a fan of the model that Mantic released for this one as it looks like it should be part of the Nightstalker faction instead of the Undead. I am however a fan of the Deadzone Plague models so drafted in a 1st Gen Mutant to use as this unit (I'm actually waiting on a second one of these to arrive in case I want to double them up).

This is another unit that we have seen the stats for and in fact he has already been updated from the initial reveal so is 15 points cheaper now. Shambling monsters on small bases are perfect for getting into flanks and at only 175 points with Def 5+ and Fearless 17 he would make a decent road-block as well. Oh, and Cloak of Death causes an auto-wound when he is activated to enemies within 6", which is nice.

We have also seen the stats for the new Necromancer who comes with an Aura to help boost Zombie units, though as this cannot be taken by mounted versions I'm not sure I will get the benefit from this.

And last but not least I painted up some Zombies to go into the Vanguard arm of the Four Horsemen army. One of the new Undead Vanguard leaders has the ability to raise Zombies from the ground so even if they are not fielded as part of the original team they should see some action.

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