Sunday 7 April 2019

It Ain't Half Hot Mum

Some weeks I seem to have lots of stuff almost done and others I've actually completed things. This week I'm much more in the having things done camp.
Having said that I'll start off with something that is almost done enough to look done. I've been working on the Blood & Plunder Bark for a couple of weeks and she is now in a good enough state to grace a playing table.

Flag is still a WIP
As I want to be able to switch which faction she can be used by and also change up the sails I've left the sails hanging off the yard's which in turn are (at present) just resting on the yard mount. The plan is to have a more robust method of holding the yard in place so it doesn't fall off during play.

The present method suffices for static display and so far I have created a set of white and blue sails and flags for period / fantasy games.

The sails are made from craft foam which can be heated with an iron and then mounded into shape, whilst not a perfect representation of sailcloth it does a good enough impression and is very easy to work with.

I also finally got the palm trees I'd been waiting on which meant that I could spend a couple of hours sticking various bits of jungle foliage to bases and create my jungle themed area terrain.

This was pretty quick to get done and again gives a good effect considering that it is made up of cheap HO scale train scenery. The only issue is the time it takes to arrive from China so not good if you need a jungle in a hurry.

I also (see I was busy) managed to finish off the buildings I bought from Games of War. I made life harder for myself by choosing to use cheap acrylic paint which never seemed to want to dry enough that it was happy with fresh wet paint going over it but got it done in the end.

The buildings come with detachable roofs so I bought an extra one so I can break the two story building down into two buildings if required. The balcony section has magnets in it so it can also be separated from it's building but remain stable when in use.

With a good selection of walls & gates I should be able to make up some nice configurations. I also made a breached section by drilling out a section from a short wall and adding some of the rubble sections left over from the Warlord hamlet set.

Closed Gates

Open Gates

Of course once you've got all the bits together the urge to get it out on the table can be very strong.

I have enough bits to make a nice little sea-side market which could be a good calling point for someone looking to off-load illicit goods, like say a dragons egg.

All the bits go together nicely and certainly give the table a good look, especially with my love of terrain.

All I need to do now is get the models painted for the Blood & Plunder game and then I can take the boat out for a spin, or whatever the nautical term is.


  1. The matt works really well once populated. Almost makes we want to buy some pirates. How big are the forces?

    1. about 30-40 models for a typical 200 point land game, you could have less with a more elite force. I've got Spanish and English models at the moment so no need to spend any cash before trying it out.

  2. Replies
    1. Not really, you could run them as natives maybe, they are planning a 18th century book so they may appear in that
