Monday 25 March 2019

Kings of War: Loot

Normally I like to get an update out on a Sunday but yesterday was spent rebuilding my PC, so after the joys of a fresh Win 10 install its nice to spend a little time on the blog!

This week Mick and I played the Push scenario, this places 3 loot tokens along the center line which must be seized and then held onto. The person who controls the most tokens at the end of the game is the winner.

My camera was very unhappy this week with the light and many of the photos turned out next to useless unfortunately. In keeping with my idea to try out some less used troops I went with a chariot/shooting heavy list to see how that went.

The list comprised :
1 * Horde Tribal Spears
1 * Regiment Tribal Hunters
2 * Horde Guardian Brutes
2 * Troop Beast Pack
1 * Horde Tribal Chariots
2 * Great Chieftain on Chariot
1 * Great Totem
1 * Centaur Chief
2 * Mounted Shaman

With most of my shooting concentrated on my right flank I pushed forwards on the first turn in the center and seized a token. On the right I hung back and tried my hand at shooting, without too much effect. This did encourage the Basileans to push forwards into charge range on my right and in the center.

I then used one of the Beast Pack Troops to block the cavalry on the right to get another shot in but again didn't really do much in the way of damage. In the center the Basileans charged in with their Elohi and had a chance to rout one of the Guardian Brute Hordes which they failed to do.

That fight settled into a bit of a grinding match for a couple of turns whilst the Tribal Spears backed up with the token they held. On the right the Chariots got stuck in and took out a Knight Regiment.

The Chariots then got routed by Gneaus and the other Knight Regiment who went on to kill the Hunters and seize the second token with the Sisterhood Scouts picking up the third.

On the Herd left flank the Tribal Spears managed to grind out a victory against the Men-at-Arms Spears as the Ogre Palace Guards finally made it into action.

Back on the right the Herd had more units but with space being short could not make the numbers really count as the Sisterhood Scouts managed to hand off the token to the Knights whilst the War Wizard withstood a charge from a Great Chieftain.

The final act of the game saw the Chieftain charge the Knights but not do enough damage to make a nerve test worthwhile so the Basileans held on for a 2-1 victory.

I've also completed some more of the Mantic Terrain Crate pieces that I purchased with the addition of some market stalls and a couple of law enforcement aids. The stalls are good apart from the legs which despite repeated attempts at heating and setting remained very wonky. I probably should have just cut them away and used wire instead.

The set also came with a couple of wells with a nicely tiled roof. As the Spanish style terrain for Blood & Plunder comes with this terracotta style tiles then these proved to be a good test for a paint scheme.

The set also contained a rather odd shaped column which should make a good bit of blocking terrain on the table. The market has come along nicely and I just need to sort out some houses to go along with the pieces I already have, and maybe a church.

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