I'm now getting dangerously close to having painted up all the vehicles for V for Victory and then having a few Stuka's and some buildings to do for 02 Hundred Hours.
The first truck I picked up without really having a proper look at the box thinking it was a WW2 era Soviet truck, in fact it turned out to be a 1950's era one. In fairness it looks period appropriate and as it was going to play the part of a neutral vehicle hopefully no one will pick me up on my mistake! The truck is from Rubicon and a really detailed model, many parts of which I ended up leaving off. You don't really need a full drive train and under the body boxes if you are putting the model on a base.
I've also been busy painting up all the road sections that I printed off. These came out a little darker than my test section as I needed to use a black wash rather than a brown one (due to running out).
The Steyr kit for this model is also from Rubicon and again a highly detailed kit which was a little fiddly to get together but looks really nice once done. The Rubicon infantry models are more in scale with Perry than the Warlord ones so the driver doesn't look out of place.
The Steyr will most likely see action as a gun tow but I can also see it featuring in a scenario carrying a high ranking officer.
I have one more allied truck on the painting blocks which should be completed soon and then the two large Stuka's I printed the other day.